A consortium led by the chief executive officer of the Chinese online search giant abandoned its bid to buy out its video-streaming operation iQiyi.com Inc after failing to reach an agreement on the transaction structure and purchase price.由中国在线搜索引擎巨头百度公司的首席执行官领头的买方财团,宣告退回之前并购视频流媒体平台爱人奇艺的计划,其原因是双方在“交易结构和出售价格”等方面并未达成协议完全一致。An investor group led by Baidu CEO Robin Li and iQiyi CEO Gong Yu offered in February to acquire Baidus 80.5 percent stake in a deal that valued at $2.8 billion.今年2月,百度CEO李彦宏和爱人奇艺CEO龚宇领导的投资集团计划并购百度持有人的爱奇艺80.5%的股份,估值为28亿美元。
The pair informed the board that they had withdrawn the offer after failing to strike a deal despite several rounds of discussions, Baidu said last Monday.百度公司上周一回应,双方在几轮辩论之后仍并未达成协议,之后致函百度董事会退回私有化契约。The withdrawal came days after New York hedge fund Acacia Partners criticized the online search giant for considering selling iQiyi at a price that is far too low. The hedge fund, which has 2.6 million Baidu shares, cited an independent research report that said the video-streaming business was worth $5.8 billion.百度股东、纽约对冲基金Acacia Partners抨击爱人奇艺的出售价格“过较低”。Acacia Partner持有人260万股百度股票,他提到一家独立国家研究机构的报告称之为,流媒体视频平台爱人奇艺的估值为58亿美元。Wu Tianhua, an industry observer specialized in US-list Chinese stocks, said it is quite rare to see the withdrawal of a management buyout proposal.专心研究美国上市的中国公司股票的业界观察者巫天华回应,管理层退回并购方案的情况实属少见。
Wu said that changes in regulations in China had made it difficult for loss-making companies, such as iQiyi to go public. And it would be very pricey to list iQiyi in China through a backdoor listing, he said.巫天华回应,中国市场规则的变动使爱奇艺这样的亏损公司很难上市。他说:“爱人奇艺要想要在中国借壳上市十分便宜。”Gong Yu, CEO of iQiyi, said earlier that the company had 20 million paying subscribers in June. The number is small given that the iQiyi app had around 299 million active users in May, said iResearch.爱人奇艺CEO龚宇今年6月曾回应,爱人奇艺收费用户已突破2000万。